See full movie The Legend of Muay Thai: 9 Satra in english without cuts and without advertising. Last update: TODAY. The Legend of Muay Thai: 9 Satra full movie (2018) is available, as always in Repelis. Our content is adapted to english. The Legend of Muay Thai: 9 Satra to watch the Full Movie has a duration of 181 min. Our content to watch online we always have the best quality focusing on HD, 1080, or 720 content Full Movie in English. The Legend of Muay Thai: 9 Satra ✅ NO ADS. ✅Free. In the best online movie page The Legend of Muay Thai: 9 Satra 2018 Actors: Kanokchat Manyaton, Savitree Suttichanond, Sirichai Charoenkijtanakul, Rachphol Yamsaeng Genres: Animation Directors: Pongsa Kornsri, Gun Phansuwon, Nat Yoswatananont Duration: 110 minutes Release Date: 2018-01-11 Summary of The Legend of Muay Thai: 9 Satra When the mystical kingdom of Ramathep is besieged by a monstrous army of Yaksa Clan, the faith of the kingdom lies in a young Muay Thai warrior determi...